The next day, it was Daphne’s birthday. Shockingly, she chose to spend it with her family instead of some random guys from school.
And this is what she looks like. She didn’t really inherit much genetics from her parents. Her lifetime wish is to become a Heartbreaker.
She got a job in politics. Even if she wanted to just meet guys, she wanted success too.
And apparently, politics was a great conversation starter. By the way, the guy she’s talking to is her boss. And his name is Ben Staples, I think.
I don’t like where this is going….
DAPH! You’re barely a young adult!
Meanwhile, Eva was enjoying age appropriate things, unlike Daphne.
At least she’s not dreaming of Ben.
Yes! She’s finding other guys!
Looks like Eva’s keeping an eye on the prize.
Candace and Cassie were staying fit by playing catch, instead of going to the gym or something. What’s with this chapter and inappropriate age activities?
Eric began to train Vaughn, because there’s no better way to spend quality time with your father-in-law!
Eva loved the playground. Then again, in a house with four elders, who could blame her?
Alice cameo!
And some other ghosts!
Daphne continued to improve her conversation skills.
I’m beginning to think Eva’s the only kid in Riverview.
The family threw a pool party, but it didn’t end well…
RIP Alysia or Sharon, or … someone.
Eva continued to relax in her chair. Eva, you are aware that someone just died, right?
The next day, Vaughn began repairing electronics. Hey, it’s the circle of life. And if you needed a slot, you’d do the same.
Daphne kept on meeting guys, but she didn’t find anyone she liked. Some people were aware of her gold digging ways. And does anyone else notice the elder in the blue dress in both pictures?
Daphne, we went over this, didn’t we? No elders unless you’re married to them!
Eva dreamt about police sirens and not much else.
Do you want to be known as “The other woman”, Daphne?
You had it coming, Daphne.
Daria began to become suspicious of Eric, for obvious reasons.
Candace consoled her mourning relative (Whose name still escapes me).
And then she had an autograph session. Okay, so maybe I’ve been harsh on Daphne. After all, almost everyone here’s an elder! Maybe Riverview is the Sims 3 equivalent of Florida?
Eric was promoted in the sports career.
Daria and Candace sometimes teamed up for autograph sessions and performances. It looks like Daria’s becoming more popular than Candace? Then again, she’s a classical artist, and everyone’s an elder so… yeah.
And here’s Eva practicing her cooking.
Candace decided to learn new songs, even if she was at the top of her career.
Ghost!Alice wasn’t impressed with Daphne.
Poor Eva, always getting ignored. But hey, at least she has a floating bookshelf to accompany her!
Daphne had dreams of succeeding in office. Looks like there’s some hope for her. Unless she’s dreaming of marrying a president…
Again, poor Eva is getting ignored by her family. Luckily, she has random ghost relatives to spend time with.
And because the skinniness of the elders bothered me, I tried to experiment by fattening them up indulging them in ice cream.
Unfortunately, Candace just looked pregnant.
So then Erich trained Candace so she could lose weight.
Do you remember her? It’s the girl Vaughn trained a few chapters ago, Lorena. Daphne clearly knows how to keep her attention.
Daphne: My Uncle saved you from looking like flies! Rotting flies, too!
Eva and Erich had a bonding moment.
Gasp! Erich’s out on a date with a tan girl! Does Daria know about this?
Nope. It’s just Eva.
…I apologize for the unintended incest-y joke.
Speaking of father-daughter bonding…
Meanwhile, Daphne was out making friends.
Actually, no. Daphne was too snobby for friends. Unless if they came with benefits.
I decided to give Eva a makeover. Pretty, yes? She looks like a super young Tyra banks. Well, just the hair, skin and eyes.
But where did that nose come from?
I guess Candace’s old habits never changed.
Since Daphne was growing older, she started thinking about babies.
Yes, she did go there.
Darich spam
This would be cuter if they weren’t in their work uniforms. And if there wasn’t a plumbob in the background.
Thankfully, Daphne got a little more age appropriate.
Eva finally started getting some attention from her Grandmother.
However, Candace left and Eva was alone. Maybe Daria will do something?
Candace left her grandmother duties for her nephew. Why is Candace wearing pajamas and slippers in someone else’s house?
Candace, honey, make sure you know when to stop drinking.
Candace then started to train Devon.
Corey didn’t even bother greeting Candace. I’d be pissed too, if my sisters got to stay in the house they grew up in and I had to live in a crappy, secluded house. xD
As a result of neglect, Eva decided to play some computer games.
Grandpa Vaughn decided to teach Eva what’s important in life: diamonds, wealth and fame.
That speech, along with Eva’s evilness, decided to make Eva a Criminal Mastermind.
Speaking of careers, Daphne was pissed off that she had to wear such an ugly outfit to work.
Yes Daphne. I’m sure you could get more votes if you wore other outfits…
Why does Daphne always attract cradle robbers?
Seriously, it’s not like she needs him for the money. You’re a fourth generation legacy heiress, Daphne!
At least he (I’m just gonna call all of her boyfriends ‘Ben’ from now on) felt good about their date.
Ohhhh, now I get it. Daphne just wanted to finish her LTW.
Daphne! No! You just redeemed yourself in the last picture! Don’t ruin it again!
At least he’s not actually sleeping with her.
Daphne: I, Daphne Timberson, would like you to know…
that I will never spend another night with someone as
rotten as a garbage bag
even if it means breaking your heart!
Geez Daphne, don’t hold back.
Operation break up complete.
I don’t know what’s scarier. The fact that Daphne could keep downgrading her men, or the fact that he’s allegedly an athlete.
Ooh, who’s the mystery shirtless protestor?
Apparently, Daphne’s new boyfriend.
Way to snag a man right in front of your job building, Daphne.
Unfortunately, Cassie passed on. Candace was very depressed that she lost her sister.
But it’s not like that stopped Daria and Erich from flirting.
The first death of the third generation.
Nikolas was sleeping when he found out about Cassie’s death.
And apparently, Daphne used telekinesis to find out about her mom.
This made her and Ben #2 fight. Ben #2 was secretly amused.
Daphne: How dare you sext me pictures of yourself! On my FaceSpace wall? Seriously? I mean, they were nice and all but I work for the gover-
B#2: What pictures?
Daphne: Oh oops, sorry. Wrong guy. Hehe.
Things obviously didn’t end well for them.
Over at the house, people weren’t taking Cassie’s death so well.
Even Eva, who didn’t bond much with her great aunt, felt sad.
And she got a spot in the Family Cemetery.
Daphne still moved fast, though. This time, she looked for prey boyfriends in the Riverview pool.
Her father, though, was understandably sad.
And looks like Daphne remembered again.
And Candace returned to an old time habit.
Even a new makeover wouldn’t cheer her up.
In other news, Corey also passed on.
Workaholic Nikolas decided to retire.
Birthday time!
But let’s interrupt this moment with a special Cassolas moment:
Yeah, Cassie came back because the whole house wouldn’t function without her.
And for a cliffhanger moment, I’ll save Eva’s teen picture for the next chapter. That, and I’m pretty sure this chapter is too long already. My Windows Live Writer was crashing for the last few pictures.